August 19 During the general meeting of the members of the “Gelpa” association held in Šiluvė, a new board of the association was elected by secret ballot for a 3-year term, which will start its activities in September. The first meeting of the new board is planned for next week.
The following were elected as board members of the Association of Railway Service Companies “Gelpa”:
♦ Aldas Rusevičius, CEO of Kauno Bridges AB;
♦ Vytautas Žirgutis, head of project management and engineering at GTC UAB;
♦ Eurovia C.S. branch manager in Lithuania Julius Šimkevičius;
♦ Eduardas Grinaveckas, Deputy Director of Tilsta UAB.
On behalf of the association, we would like to thank the outgoing board members for their help in achieving common goals and congratulate the new ones on the start of their work!
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